Problem Addressed

The built environment is directly responsible for 25% of UK emissions, lifting to 42% if you include surface transport. By combining public data with expert consultancy, this tool offers an all-in-one platform for tenants, owners and investors to make their buildings or portfolios more sustainable to mitigate their contribution to this problem.

Solution Overview

Built in association by CFP Green Buildings and the Lloyds Bank, the Green Buildings Tool calculates potential savings by combining benchmark data from CFP’s expert system with best practices in the areas of technology, operations, maintenance and management. The Green Buildings Tool is a digital solution to provide actionable insights to reduce building-related carbon emissions.

A database and calculator, the tool can analyse how a range of energy-saving initiatives could affect the projected energy performance certificate (EPC) rating of the building, and reduce CO2 emissions. It reveals which initiatives and/or properties offer the most potentially impactful business case, depending on your objectives, prior to engaging in detailed sustainability planning.

All users need to do is enter property address details and the Tool will then provide an overview of the current situations, measures to take in order to improve, and the business cases to realise potential savings. A dashboard generates a tailored recommendation of up to 49 cost-saving measures that could be taken to improve the green credentials of a property, based on the information provided about the building in question, whilst drawing on the information from CFP’s expert systems.

These measures can be filtered by:

  • potential impact on the EPC rating
  • investment required
  • estimated payback period
  • annual savings

Other uses of CFP’s software include:

  • support in ‘going green’ and reducing carbon footprints
  • portfolio analysis & risk reporting

The cost of purchasing a software licence depends on the number of users, portfolios and buildings in play.

As a benchmark range: small NGOs have access starting at £50k per year, whereas large banks with huge portfolios will benefit from the Tool and additional services for up to £500k per year.

Returns on this investment could come in many different forms. For example, insightful data for risk management, identification of Green Bond opportunities, extra input in the process of deal making, saving loads of time when reporting, client engagement of sustainability, brand marketing value and more.

The CFP team makes specific business cases to tailor the solution to the situation at hand.

Case Study

CFP are running the second year of their partnership with Lloyds Bank. Highlights so far have been improved risk management and reporting on their commercial and social housing real estate portfolios while engaging over the topic of sustainability with hundreds of clients.

This page presents data, evidence, and solutions that are provided by our partners and members and should therefore not be attributed to UKGBC. While we showcase these solutions for inspiration, to build consensus, and create momentum for climate action, UKGBC does not offer commercial endorsement of individual solutions. If you would like to quote something from this page, or more information, please contact our Communications team at
